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SCMPCR Congratulates Shriram Rajurkar on receiving IUPAP Travel Award for AOCMP-SEACOMP 2024

Shriram Rajurkar, PhD Scholar and Medical Physicist at King George’s Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow, has been selected for the prestigious IUPAP AOCMP-SEACOMP Travel Award 2024. This recognition supports aspiring medical physicists by enabling their participation in the 24th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) and the 22nd Southeast Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP), scheduled to take place from October 10–13, 2024, in Penang, Malaysia

The award acknowledges Shriram’s outstanding achievements in medical physics and includes a financial grant to facilitate his attendance. His participation in this international event is expected to foster collaborative research and highlight advancements in medical physics that contribute to revolutionizing patient care.

The SCMPCR community congratulates Shriram on this well-deserved honor and wishes him continued success in his academic and professional endeavors.