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Mission & Vision

"Quality Education And Health Science For Patient Benefit"

  • Create public awareness and establish cancer screening programs.

  • Provide training facilities to the team involved in cancer management i.e. doctors, nurses, medical physicists, biomedical engineers, and technicians.

  • Continuing professional development (CPD) training programs for medical physicists.

  • An open discussion medical physicists and researchers from national and international.

  • Provide e-learning training materials and facilities.

  • Establish a digital library international standard on medical physics and cancer research for South Asian countries.

  • Organize seminars, conferences, workshops, winter schools and training programs regularly in collaboration with the national and international organizations.

  • Work with radiological and radiotherapy department of hospitals and atomic energy commission in Bangladesh and all other South Asian countries.

  • Collaborative research work with different international organizations to develop and enhance of cancer treatment in South Asia.

  • Provide scholarship opportunities to brilliant and deserving medical physicists, doctors and technicians who conduct outstanding projects on cancer care on the national and international platform.

  • Public a journal, magazines and newsletters on medical physics and on cancer-related issues.

  • Establish an event management group.

  • Promot quality management of imaging devices in the rural hospitals.

  • Promot and developing a forum for all South Asian Medical Physics Organizations.

  • Awareness, prevention, and screening program for cancer.

  • Training for all personal associated with cancer treatment by international expert.

  • Establishment of Welfare-Home for poor cancer patients coming for treatment in Dhaka or other big cities.

  • Promotion to build the Self-Help group for cancer patients.

  • Research for cancer prevention by developing nutrition medicine in collaboration with Germany.

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