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SCMPCR Congratulates Dr. Gaganpreet Singh on receiving AMPI Best Oral Presentation Award at AMPICON 2024

Dr. Gaganpreet Singh has been awarded the prestigious AMPI Best Oral Presentation Award at the Annual Conference of the Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON 2024), held in Hyderabad in November this year.

The award-winning research, titled “A Novel Whole-Body Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy for Total Bone Marrow and Lymphoid Irradiation (TMI/TMLI),” was conducted in the Department of Medical Physics at Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, Chennai, under the supervision of Prof. and Head Dr. Dayananda Sharma.

This innovative study explores advancements in proton therapy techniques, offering new possibilities for precise and effective irradiation in bone marrow and lymphoid treatments. The recognition highlights Dr. Singh’s exceptional contribution to advancing cancer treatment methodologies.

The SCMPCR community congratulates Dr. Gaganpreet Singh on this remarkable achievement and wishes him continued success in his research journey.