South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR) is a centre of excellence for the developing skilled manpower in this sector especially radiology and imaging other than the Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine sector. Besides this, SCMPCR also provides training of doctors, nurses, and technicians in cooperation with different hospitals in Bangladesh and South Asia. In the meantime, SCMPCR has arranged five hands-on training programs in 2018 for the radiation oncologists, medical physicists to provide skilled manpower in the field of radiation for the patient benefit. Awareness and health education program is also organized by Alo Bhubon trust in 2018. The participants are from the South Asia region including Bangladesh whereas the trainers are from developed countries like Germany, the USA, Korea Thailand, etc. SCMPCR also works at the district level of rural Bangladesh to ensure proper QA of the diagnostic equipment. Because the rural health center is a healthcare unit, where the first diagnosis should be made and responsibility for providing integrated continuing care should lie. Bangladesh, such a center could serve several thousands of populations in remote villages and often is the only medical help available to the population from the region. The center has basic staff, sometimes without a medical doctor. Often some basic medical equipment is provided to the health centres. The safe and effective use of this equipment is of great importance and special care is necessary for training the rural health centre staff for this. Maintaining this equipment is a major problem and training staff for the purpose is not a lesser challenge. From this point of view, the operation of the equipment in the rural health centre will depend on this level of staff. Regarding these issues, the joint venture SCMPCR and a German organization Senior Experten Service (SES) was brought a senior Expert Mr. Pauliuc for a seminar cum workshop titled “Servicing and Quality Control of Diagnostic Machines in Hospitals” from 22 June 2019to 11 July 2019 in different hospitals, institute and universities. Mr. Ioan Pauliuc, Bonn Germany is an expert on Medical technology (X-ray equipment, CT, anesthesia and respiratory equipment, Electricity Electromechanics, Hydraulics and Mechanics). SES works all around the world. Most of its voluntary assignments are completed in developing and emerging countries or in Germany. Their aim is to share knowledge and experience in order to improve other people’s future prospects. SES assignments are completed by voluntary experts and executives who are either retired or taking some time off work.
The first visits of Mr. Ioan Pauliuc were in Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital located in Gazipur. A five-day training workshop was organized in Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital from 23rd to 27th June 2019. In the training, Mr. Pauliuc visited Radiology and Imaging, Dialysis Unit and Anesthesia department and trained the doctors, nurses and technologists about improving the quality of treatment and accomplishing specific maintenance of medical equipment. He also repairs some of the repairable equipment (Suction machine, Patients monitoring device, Urological stone destroyer machine) of the hospital and teaches them how to repair it. The second visit of Mr. Ioan Pauliuc was in Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital and Nursing College. A three daylong training workshop was organized in Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital and Nursing College from 28th June to 1st July 2019. On 29th June the program was started at 10:00 am by the meeting with Nuradilah Binti Shuib (Chief Finance Officer) & Dr. Md Razeeb Hassan (Medical Director) of the Hospital. During the meeting, they have a discussion about the work plan of 3 days and other general medical issues. After the meeting, Mr. Ioan Pauliuc checks the list of damaged equipment from the biomedical engineers of the hospitals Mr. Suman Kumar Das & Mr. Jahangir Alam. Then they have a discussion about biomedical instrumentation, future progress and development. Then he repairs and explained the basic concepts and working principles of some medical equipment and teaches them how to repair. After successfully completing the training of two hospitals of Dhaka Division, he visited a few small clinics of Lalmonirhat district from 2nd to 8th July 2019 with the association of Dr Faiza Ela Kamal president of Rotary Club of Dhaka Rose Vale. During this period a seminar was organized on 4th July at Upazila Sadar Hospital, Patgram, Lalmonirhat. In that seminar, proper use of X-rays and Cancer prevention Strategies was discussed. After returning to Dhaka Mr. Pauliuc was taken to visit the department of medical physics and biomedical engineering, Gono Bishwabidyalay and also taken to visit some beautiful places near Savar. On 9th July he visited SCMPCR office and received a memorandum from the CEO of SCMPCR Prof. Dr. Hasin Anupama Azhari and addressed his opinion regarding the outcome of the workshop. On 10th July he has visited two small clinics in Savar area. An ultrasound was damaged for a while at Al-Amin Digital Diagnostic Centre then he was visited there and fixed the machine immediately like a magician. The owner was very happy and thankful to SCMPCR and Mr. Pauliuc. This training was an opportunity for the staff of the hospital to enrich their knowledge about biomedical instrumentation and general medical issues. One of the main objectives of SCMPCR is to improve the quality of diagnostic radiology in the districts and rural hospitals. This training was a great initiative to reach our goal. After all, it was really a wonderful Hands-on workshop program that make a big positive impact to improve the health care facilities of the hospitals and all the hospital’s authority and staff expressed their gratitude to the SCMPCR authority for arranging this type of training program. SCMPCR authority is very grateful to Mr. Ioan Pauliuc for being a remarkable trainer throughout the training period. Without his helpfulness and directness, the workshop would not have been successful

Loan Pauliuc
Clinical Engineering, Bonn, Germany